How to Make a Terrarium With Our Easy Step-by-Step Guide

These miniature gardens only need minimal care


The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 1 - 2 hrs
  • Total Time: 2 - 3 hrs
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Estimated Cost: $20 to 100

If you’ve ever admired plants in a terrarium, you might be surprised that learning how to make a terrarium at home is simple. If cared for properly, these self-sustaining ecosystems last several years.

You can set up a basic terrarium in a couple of hours with very few inexpensive materials, including many types of glass containers that make beautiful vessels for DIY terrariums.

The adorable miniature terrarium plants to populate your garden under glass don’t need to be costly either. Terrariums also make wonderful and impressive gifts for home gardeners of any level, including beginners.

The following walks you through the steps of making a terrarium and choosing and caring for the plants, usually species that thrive in high humidity and low light.

What Is a Terrarium?

A terrarium is an indoor gardening container that holds plants. It is usually made of glass that is fully or partially enclosed to allow heat and light to enter and confine moisture.

Before Getting Started

Regardless of the size, a terrarium consists of four levels: gravel, moss, soil, and plants. Most terrariums are sealed containers. The plants in a terrarium absorb water from the soil and through the process of transpiration, evaporation, and condensation, the water is returned to the soil in a perpetual self-sustaining cycle. 

Most plants in a terrarium are small because fast-growing species or those with large leaves block the light needed by the smaller plants. Look for plants that thrive in low to medium light and humid conditions. For visual appeal, choose a mix of leaf sizes, textures, and colors.

Plants that do well in a terrarium include:

For cacti and succulents, make a DYI succulent terrarium, which is not an enclosed but fully open container because cacti and succulents don’t tolerate high humidity. They also have different
soil, light, and watering requirements.


Click Play to Learn How to Make a Basic Terrarium

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Large spoon or garden trowel
  • Small garden snips or scissors for trimming plant roots
  • Spray bottle


  • Glass container with no drainage holes, with or without a top
  • Clean aquarium gravel or small crushed stone
  • Activated charcoal (found at a nursery or pet supply store)
  • Terrarium plants
  • Sterile potting mix
  • Sheet moss
  • Decorative elements (optional)


materials to make a terrarium

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

How to Make a Terrarium

  1. Choose a Container

    Your terrarium container can be anything from low-cost and functional to expensive and sophisticated, such as a miniature Victorian greenhouse or conservatory.

    Almost any transparent (glass or plastic) container with a wide mouth (with or without a lid) will do. Suitable containers include aquariums, goldfish bowls, Wardian cases, cold frames, bell jars, tureens, apothecary jars, cloches, mason jars, glass cookie jars, and even large brandy snifters.

    A wide opening is key because it allows you to fit your hand inside to add drainage material, soil, plants, and decorative elements (shells, figurines, or ornaments). 


    Open terrariums are less likely to experience problems with condensation and fungal plant diseases than closed terrariums.

    choosing a terrarium container

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  2. Choose the Plants

    Most garden centers offer miniature plants for terrariums, sometimes in the section of the store containing fairy garden accessories. Choose plants that naturally grow best in high humidity and low light.

    Next, to introduce variety, pick plants from that group with various foliage forms and heights. Always keep in mind that they need to be small enough to fit in your container, preferably without touching the sides of the terrarium.

    choosing plants for your terrarium

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  3. Add Drainage Layers

    A terrarium container does not have drainage holes, so you’ll need to create a drainage layer to keep water away from plant roots.

    • Start with a 2-inch layer of gravel or crushed stone at the bottom of the terrarium. A tall, narrow terrarium will require a deeper layer of drainage stones than a broad, shallow container.
    • Next, use a large spoon or trowel to add a 1/4-inch to a 1/2-inch layer of activated charcoal on top of the stones to help with drainage and control any odors (for a charcoal alternative, see Step 4).
    adding drainage layers

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  4. Add Moss and Potting Mix

    Next, add a layer of sheet moss over the stones and charcoal to keep the next layer, the potting soil, from mixing in. The moss also adds visual interest to your terrarium.

    Alternatively, omit the charcoal in Step 3 and use live moss instead of the dried sheet moss, which controls odors similar to charcoal. You might also find lush, green live moss more attractive than a layer of charcoal.

    • With a large spoon or small trowel, add slightly damp, sterile potting soil on top of the moss. Do not use a potting soil mix with fertilizer already incorporated; terrarium plants don't need the extra fertilizer.
    • Add as much potting mix as possible—at least a couple of inches.
    • Make sure to keep the soil level low enough so that the plants will fit inside the container with room to grow but without touching the top of a closed terrarium.
    adding potting mix

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  5. Prepare the Plants

    Before planting, decide on the design of your terrarium. Choose spots for tall and short plants as well as mounds and dips in the soil to create interesting contours.

    • Remove the plants from their nursery pots.
    • If a plant is rootbound, tease the roots apart.
    • Use a pair of small garden snips to trim off some of the longer roots. Removing some roots, called root pruning, will retard a plant’s growth, which is essential when growing plants in the confines of a terrarium.
    • Trim off any yellowed or damaged leaves.
    preparing plants to be added

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  6. Add Plants

    Shake off any excess soil left on the plants. Use a long spoon or your fingers to dig a planting hole for each plant. Place each plant in its hole and gently pat the soil down to eliminate air pockets and secure each plant firmly in the potting medium.


    If the terrarium has a narrow opening, use chopsticks, tongs, or long tweezers to place the plants into the terrarium and pat them in.

    adding the plants to the terrarium

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  7. Decorate

    Decorating the inside of the terrarium is optional. Place small figurines, shells, decorative stones, or other whimsical accents among the plants.

    adding plants to the terrarium

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  8. Water the Terrarium

    Use a spray bottle or small watering can with a rose attachment and water so the plants are just damp, but not soaking wet.

    Dislodge any dirt clinging to the glass sides of your container and wipe them clean with newspaper or paper towel.

    watering the terrarium

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

  9. Maintain the Plants

    A terrarium requires basic but regular maintenance. Here’s how to keep your plants thriving: 

    • Light: Place the terrarium in filtered light away from harsh direct sunlight. If you don't have enough natural filtered sunlight in your home, use LED or fluorescent artificial lighting.
    • Moisture: Before watering, feel the soil to see if it's dry and needs water. Partially and fully enclosed terrariums retain water considerably longer than most potted houseplants. 
    • Air circulation: Inspect a closed terrarium for condensation. Take off the top at least once a month to increase airflow. Leave the top off until the condensation disappears. Also, take off the terrarium top if you added too much water. 
    • Pruning: Remove yellowing or damaged leaves and prune plants to a smaller size if they're growing too large for the container. 
    • Fertilizer: Never fertilize the plants in a terrarium and don't use potting mix with added fertilizer. Terrariums provide their nutrients through the natural decay of the potting mix.
    maintaining the terrarium

    The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

How to Make a Terrarium With Animals

A terrarium with animals requires a whole different level of care and maintenance than a terrarium with plants only. 

Whether it’s reptiles such as turtles, amphibians such as salamanders, or insects, the terrarium needs to be carefully tailored to the specific needs of the species in terms of space, habitat, temperature control, etc.—in other words, you need to create conditions that mimic the animal's natural environment. Also keep in mind that the animals need feeding and other daily care, and the terrarium must be cleaned and sanitized regularly to prevent illness. 

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  • What do you need for a terrarium?

    You need a glass container, clean gravel or crushed stone, activated charcoal (optional), sheet moss or live moss, sterile potting mix, and terrarium plants.

  • Why do you put activated charcoal in terrariums?

    The charcoal helps absorb moisture, odors, bacteria, and any toxins in the terrarium.

  • How long do terrariums last?

    The average lifespan of a terrarium is about two to four years depending on conditions and whether it's sealed or open. Closed terrariums tend to last longer, almost indefinitely. There are anecdotal stories about sealed terrariums that have lasted for more than 50 years.

  • Does a terrarium need to breathe?

    Yes, although the plants are in an enclosed space, they need to breathe. that's why a terrarium is never airtight and the lid, if there is one. fits only loosely. If

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Terrariums. University of Missouri Extension.

  2. Plant Nutrition and Fertilization. North Carolina Extension Gardener Handbook.

  3. DIY closed terrariums. Naples Botanical Garden.